Aipa Massage
Professional Massage Therapy



Stress? Pulled a hamstring? Slept Wrong? Daily grind got you sore?  Whatever it may be, let's see what we can do to get your feeling your best, today!

Trained by International Cupping Therapy Association, I'm able to share my passion for cupping therapy with my clients. 

I utilize various techniques such as: Dynamic Cupping, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Release, Muscle Energy & Sports Massage modalities for all your wellness & relaxation needs! Bodywork is my passion!

Why Cupping?! 

  • Release scar tissue and fascial adhesions.
  • Reduce painful trigger points.
  • Improve circulation, blood and lymph circulation.
  • Relieve pain.
  • Promote mobility and range of motion.
  • Improves mature scars.
  • Decrease toxins. 

What are those bruises?

Cup marks are not bruises. Bruises are caused my contusions. Cup marks are a sign of your body releasing toxins, stagnation. Negative pressure therapy (cupping) allows your tissue to breathe. it encourages new blood flow and oxygen into area that suffered from stagnation. Cups marks are a badge of honor, know that we did WERRRRRk hunnay!!

 If you have any questions or concerns, you can book a free consultation at:

I look forward to working with you soon. Mahalo nui for stopping by, have a beautiful day!